
Programming language: C++
License: The Unlicense
Tags: Logging    
Latest version: v2.1.0

loguru alternatives and similar libraries

Based on the "Logging" category.
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  • spdlog

    Fast C++ logging library.
  • glog

    C++ implementation of the Google logging module
  • InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
    Promo www.influxdata.com
    InfluxDB Logo
  • Easylogging++

    C++ logging library. It is powerful, supports asynchronous low latency, extendable, light-weight, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc.
  • easyloggingpp

    C++ logging library. It is powerful, supports asynchronous low latency, extendable, light-weight, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc.
  • plog

    6.9 5.2 L4 loguru VS plog
    Portable, simple and extensible C++ logging library
  • log4cplus

    log4cplus is a simple to use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modelled after the Java log4j API.
  • quill

    Asynchronous Low Latency C++ Logging Library
  • G3log

    G3log is an asynchronous, "crash safe", logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own. G3log is made with plain C++14 (C++11 support up to release 1.3.2) with no external libraries (except gtest used for unit tests). G3log is made to be cross-platform, currently running on OSX, Windows and several Linux distros. See Readme below for details of usage.
  • reckless

    Reckless logging. Low-latency, high-throughput, asynchronous logging library for C++.
  • Boost.Log

    Boost Logging library
  • Blackhole

    Yet another logging library.
  • mini-async-log

    Non bloated asynchronous logger
  • lwlog

    Very fast synchronous and asynchronous C++17 logging library
  • Description

    Mini async log C port. Now with C++ wrappers.
  • logog

    logog is a portable C++ library to facilitate logging of real-time events in performance-oriented applications, such as games. It is especially appropriate for projects that have constrained memory and constrained CPU requirements.
  • xtr

    A Fast and Convenient C++ Logging Library for Low-latency or Real-time Environments
  • uberlog

    Cross platform multi-process C++ logging system
  • Serenity Logger

    Yet another Fast and Efficient logging framework. The goal is to be nanosecond level fast with extensibility (inspired by loggers such as spdlog, nanolog, and fmtlog and heavily influenced by the formatting used in fmtlib and <format>). This uses a built-in formatter that can be swapped out for <format> or fmtlib if desired.
  • Log4cpp

    A library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. [LGPL]
  • templog

    A very small and lightweight C++ library which you can use to add logging to your C++ applications. [Boost]

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Loguru: a lightweight and flexible C++ logging library.

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At a glance

[Loguru terminal output](docs/terminal_colors.png)


Documentation can be found at https://emilk.github.io/loguru/index.html.


This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify and distribute it as you see fit.

Loguru is also available under The Unlicense.

That being said, I would appreciate credit! If you find Loguru useful, tweet me at @ernerfeldt mail me at [email protected].

Why another logging library?

I have yet to come across a nice, light-weight logging library for C++ that does everything I want. So I made one!

In particular, I want logging that produces logs that are both human-readable and easily grep:ed. I also want to be able to hook into the logging process to print some of the more severe messages on-screen in my app (for dev-purposes).


  • Simple integration
    • Just two files: loguru.hpp and loguru.cpp.
    • Either build and link loguru.cpp or just #include <loguru.cpp> in one of your own .cpp files.
  • Small, simple library.
    • Small header with no #includes for fast compile times (see separate heading).
    • No dependencies.
    • Cross-platform
  • Flexible:
    • User can install callbacks for logging (e.g. to draw log messages on screen in a game).
    • User can install callbacks for fatal error (e.g. to pause an attached debugger or throw an exception).
  • Support multiple file outputs, either trunc or append:
    • e.g. a logfile with just the latest run at low verbosity (high readability).
    • e.g. a full logfile at highest verbosity which is appended to on every run.
  • Full featured:
    • Verbosity levels.
    • Supports assertions: CHECK_F(fp != nullptr, "Failed to open '%s'", filename)
    • Supports abort: ABORT_F("Something went wrong, debug value is %d", value).
  • Stack traces printed on abort.
    • Stack traces are cleaned up somewhat.
      • Before cleanup: some_function_name(std::__1::vector<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > > > const&)
      • After cleanup: some_function_name(std::vector<std::string> const&)
    • Stack traces are printed the right way:
      • Chronological order with the most relevant at the end.
  • (most) signals writes stack traces.
  • Fast:
    • When configured in unbuffered mode (loguru::g_flush_interval_ms = 0):
      • 6-8 us when logging to stderr + file (rMBP + SSD + Clang).
      • About 25%-75% faster than GLOG on my MacBook Pro (Clang).
      • About the same as GLOG on my Linux Desktop (GCC).
    • With loguru::g_flush_interval_ms set to ~100 ms:
      • 3-5 us when logging to stderr + file (rMBP + SSD + Clang).
      • About twice as fast as GLOG.
  • Drop-in replacement for most of GLOG (except for setup code).
  • Choose between using printf-style or std::cout-style formatting.
  • Compile-time checked printf-formating (on supported compilers).
  • Support for fmtlib formatting.
    • Add #define LOGURU_USE_FMTLIB 1, before including loguru.hpp
    • You also need to set up the fmtlib include directory for building as well as linking against fmtlib, alternatively use the FMT_HEADER_ONLY preprocessor definition.
  • Assertion failures are marked with noreturn for the benefit of the static analyzer and optimizer.
  • All logging also written to stderr.
    • With colors on supported terminals.
  • Thread-safe.
  • Can be configured to either:
    • Flush every loguru::g_flush_interval_ms in a background thread
    • Flushes output on each call so you won't miss anything even on hard crashes (and still faster than buffered GLOG!).
  • Prefixes each log line with:
    • Date and time to millisecond precision.
    • Application uptime to millisecond precision.
    • Thread name or id (you can set the name with loguru::set_thread_name).
    • File and line.
    • Log level.
    • Indentation (see Scopes).
  • Error context:
    • Catch the values of local variables and print them only on a crash (see Error context).
  • Scopes (see Scopes).
  • grep:able logs:
    • Each line has all the info you need (e.g. date).
    • You can easily filter out high verbosity levels after the fact.


Just include where you want to use Loguru. Then either compile and link with loguru.cpp or in one .cpp file: #include <loguru.cpp> Make sure you compile with -std=c++11 -lpthread -ldl on relevant environments.


#include <loguru.hpp>


// Optional, but useful to time-stamp the start of the log.
// Will also detect verbosity level on command line as -v.
loguru::init(argc, argv);

// Put every log message in "everything.log":
loguru::add_file("everything.log", loguru::Append, loguru::Verbosity_MAX);

// Only log INFO, WARNING, ERROR and FATAL to "latest_readable.log":
loguru::add_file("latest_readable.log", loguru::Truncate, loguru::Verbosity_INFO);

// Only show most relevant things on stderr:
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = 1;

LOG_SCOPE_F(INFO, "Will indent all log messages within this scope.");
LOG_F(INFO, "I'm hungry for some %.3f!", 3.14159);
LOG_F(2, "Will only show if verbosity is 2 or higher");
VLOG_F(get_log_level(), "Use vlog for dynamic log level (integer in the range 0-9, inclusive)");
LOG_IF_F(ERROR, badness, "Will only show if badness happens");
auto fp = fopen(filename, "r");
CHECK_F(fp != nullptr, "Failed to open file '%s'", filename);
CHECK_GT_F(length, 0); // Will print the value of `length` on failure.
CHECK_EQ_F(a, b, "You can also supply a custom message, like to print something: %d", a + b);

// Each function also comes with a version prefixed with D for Debug:
DCHECK_F(expensive_check(x)); // Only checked #if !NDEBUG
DLOG_F(INFO, "Only written in debug-builds");

// Turn off writing to stderr:
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF;

// Turn off writing err/warn in red:
loguru::g_colorlogtostderr = false;

// Throw exceptions instead of aborting on CHECK fails:
loguru::set_fatal_handler([](const loguru::Message& message){
    throw std::runtime_error(std::string(message.prefix) + message.message);

If you prefer logging with streams:

#include <loguru.hpp>
LOG_S(INFO) << "Look at my custom object: " << a.cross(b);
CHECK_EQ_S(pi, 3.14) << "Maybe it is closer to " << M_PI;

For more info, see the official documentation.

Grep:able logs

# Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages:
cat logfile.txt | egrep "[^0-9]\|"

# Ignore verbosity-levels 4 and above:
cat logfile.txt | egrep "[^4-9]\|"

# Only show verbosity-level 6:
cat logfile.txt | egrep "6\|"

# Only show messages from the main thread:
cat logfile.txt | egrep "\[main thread     \]"

No includes in loguru.hpp

I abhor logging libraries that #include's everything from iostream to windows.h into every compilation unit in your project. Logging should be frequent in your source code, and thus as lightweight as possible. Loguru's header has no #includes. This means it will not slow down the compilation of your project.

In a test of a medium-sized project, including loguru.hpp instead of glog/logging.hpp everywhere gave about 10% speedup in compilation times.

Note, however, that this gives you the bare-bones version of Loguru with printf-style logging. If you want std::ostream style logging (or GLOG functionality) you need to #define LOGURU_WITH_STREAMS 1 before #include <loguru.hpp>, and that will make loguru.hpp include <sstream>. No away around it!


The library supports scopes for indenting the log-file. Here's an example:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    loguru::init(argc, argv);
    LOG_F(INFO, "Doing some stuff...");
    for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
        VLOG_SCOPE_F(1, "Iteration %d", i);
        auto result = some_expensive_operation();
        LOG_IF_F(WARNING, result == BAD, "Bad result");
    LOG_F(INFO, "Time to go!");
    return 0;

This will output:

         loguru.cpp:184      0| arguments:       ./loguru_test test -v1
         loguru.cpp:185      0| Verbosity level: 1
         loguru.cpp:186      0| -----------------------------------
    loguru_test.cpp:108      0| { int main_test(int, char **)
    loguru_test.cpp:109      0| .   Doing some stuff...
    loguru_test.cpp:111      1| .   { Iteration 0
    loguru_test.cpp:111      1| .   } 0.133 s: Iteration 0
    loguru_test.cpp:111      1| .   { Iteration 1
    loguru_test.cpp:113      0| .   .   Bad result
    loguru_test.cpp:111      1| .   } 0.134 s: Iteration 1
    loguru_test.cpp:115      0| .   Time to go!
    loguru_test.cpp:108      0| } 0.267 s: int main_test(int, char **)


You can also optionally log things ONLY if there is a crash. This is a very useful feature:

    void process_file(const char* filename)
        ERROR_CONTEXT("filename", filename);
        parse_file(filename); // Only if this crashes will filename be logged.

Streams vs printf

Some logging libraries only supports stream style logging, not printf-style. This means that what in Loguru is:

LOG_F(INFO, "Some float: %+05.3f", number);

in Glog becomes something along the lines of:

LOG(INFO) << "Some float: " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << number;

Loguru allows you to use whatever style you prefer.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the loguru README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.