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C++11 libraries

Showing projects tagged as Linux, Windows, and C++11

  • Cppcheck

    8.6 9.9 C++
    static analysis of C/C++ code
  • ClanLib

    3.9 3.3 C++
    ClanLib is a cross platform C++ toolkit library.
  • Wolf Engine

    3.2 7.1 C++
    DISCONTINUED. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C/C++ open source libraries for realtime rendering, realtime streaming and game developing
  • fox-toolkit

    1.3 0.0 C++
    Unofficial Zenotech specific mirror of fox-toolkit; please refer to upstream site for latest version
  • algore

    1.1 0.0 L2 C++
    Tasty C++ class wrappers and mixer implementation for OpenAL built on Chris Robinson's ALURE library. Comes with some crunky LinkedList and ListItem classes which you are welcome to use or change. Use with ALURE, OpenAL, libsndfile / libFLAC etc. Provides a simple and effective programmer interface to easily deal with the ALURE libraries and implements ALURE on Windows and Linux. Effectively uses both the one-off and streaming capabilities of OpenAL/ALURE and via libsndfile libflac et al supports a wide variety of sound file formats.
  • ptldd

    1.0 0.0 C
    Tracks dependencies for Windows EXE and DLL (forked and modified from LRN/ntldd)