

C++ library compare and manipulate versions are available as extensions to the ..-. format complying with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Programming language: C++
License: MIT License
Tags: Containers     Header Only     C++17     Semver    
Latest version: v0.2.2

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         _____                            _   _
        / ____|                          | | (_)
       | (___   ___ _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ | |_ _  ___
        \___ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \| __| |/ __|
        ____) |  __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | |_| | (__
       |_____/ \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|_|\___|
__      __           _             _                _____
\ \    / /          (_)           (_)              / ____|_     _
 \ \  / /__ _ __ ___ _  ___  _ __  _ _ __   __ _  | |   _| |_ _| |_
  \ \/ / _ \ '__/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | |  |_   _|_   _|
   \  /  __/ |  \__ \ | (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | | |____|_|   |_|
    \/ \___|_|  |___/_|\___/|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |  \_____|
                                            __/ |

Github releases Vcpkg package Conan package [License](LICENSE)

C++ library compare and manipulate versions are available as extensions to the <major>.<minor>.<patch>-<prerelease_type>.<prerelease_number> format complying with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


  • C++17
  • Header-only
  • Dependency-free
  • Constexpr comparison: <, <=, ==, !=, > >=
  • Constexpr from string
  • Constexpr to string
  • Constexpr range matching


  • Create
  constexpr version v1 = version{1, 2, 3, prerelease::rc, 4};
  constexpr version v2 = v1;
  • Сomparison
  constexpr semver::version v1{1, 4, 3};
  constexpr semver::version v2{1, 2, 4, semver::prerelease::alpha, 10};
  static_assert(v1 != v2);
  static_assert(v1 > v2);
  static_assert(v1 >= v2);
  static_assert(v2 < v1);
  static_assert(v2 <= v1);
  • To string
  semver::version v{1, 2, 3, prerelease::rc, 4};

  // To string.
  std::string s1 = v.to_string(); // may throw.

  // Non-member to string.
  std::string s2 = semver::to_string(v); // may throw.

  std::array<char, 32> str = {};

  // constexpr to chars, like <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/to_chars>.
  auto [p, ec] = v.to_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size()); // constexpr and no throw.

  // Non-member constexpr to chars, like <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/to_chars>.
  auto [p, ec] = semver::to_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), v); // constexpr and no throw.
  • From string
  std::string_view s = "1.2.3-rc.4";

  // From chars.
  semver::version v1{s}; // constexpr and may throw.

  // User-defined literals '_version'.
  semver::version v2 = "1.2.3-rc.4"_version; // constexpr and may throw.

  // constexpr from_chars, like <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/from_chars>.
  semver::version v3;
  auto [p, ec] = v3.to_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size()); // constexpr and no throw.

  // Non-member constexpr from chars, like <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/from_chars>.
  semver::version v4;
  auto [p, ec] = semver::to_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), v4); // constexpr and no throw.

  // Non-member from string.
  semver::version v5 = semver::from_string(s); // constexpr and may throw.
  std::optional<version> v6 = semver::from_string_noexcept(s); // constexpr and no throw.

  // From string.
  semver::version v7;
  v7.from_string(s); // constexpr and may throw.
  bool success = v7.from_string_noexcept(s); // constexpr and no throw.
  • Range matching
  constexpr auto range = semver::range(">=1.0.0 <2.0.0 || >3.2.1");
  constexpr auto version = semver::version("1.2.3");
  if (range.satisfies(version)) {
    // Do something.
  • Range matching with prerelease tag
  constexpr auto range = semver::range(">1.2.3-beta.1");
  constexpr auto version = semver::version("3.4.5-alpha.0");

  // By default, version is allowed to satisfy range if at least one comparator with the same [major, minor, patch] has a prerelease tag.
  // Suppress this behavior and treat prerelease versions as normal.
  static_assert(range.satisfies(version, semver::range::option::include_prerelease));


You should add required file [semver.hpp](include/semver.hpp).

If you are using vcpkg on your project for external dependencies, then you can use the neargye-semver.

If you are using Conan to manage your dependencies, merely add neargye-semver/x.y.z to your conan's requires, where x.y.z is the release version you want to use.

Alternatively, you can use something like CPM which is based on CMake's Fetch_Content module.

    NAME semver
    GITHUB_REPOSITORY Neargye/semver
    GIT_TAG x.y.z # Where `x.y.z` is the release version you want to use.

Compiler compatibility

  • Clang/LLVM >= 5
  • MSVC++ >= 14.11 / Visual Studio >= 2017
  • Xcode >= 10
  • GCC >= 7

Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the semver README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.