quill v2.3.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improvements

    • ๐ŸŽ Cache the available bytes for reading in the logging queue. This is meant to offer some minor performance improvement to the backend logging thread. #185

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed static code analysis and clang '-Wdocumentation' warnings.

    • ๐Ÿ”Š The Handler.h API has changed in this version to support structured logs. If you have implemented your own custom Handler you will have to change it to follow the new API.

    • ๐Ÿ”Š This version adds support for writing structured logs. Structured logs provide easier search through events. Structured logging is automatically enabled when named arguments are provided to the format string. Structured logs are only supported by the new quill::JsonFileHandler handler. The already existing FileHandler and ConsoleHandler are compatible with named arguments, but they will ignore them and output the log in its original format, as defined by the pattern formatter. Structured logs are not supported for wide characters at the moment. See example_json_structured_log.cpp

    For example :

      quill::Handler* json_handler =
        quill::create_handler<quill::JsonFileHandler>("json_output.log", "w");
      // create another logger tha logs e.g. to stdout and to the json file at the same time
      quill::Logger* logger = quill::create_logger("dual_logger", {quill::stdout_handler(), json_handler});
      for (int i = 2; i < 4; ++i)
        LOG_INFO(logger, "{method} to {endpoint} took {elapsed} ms", "POST", "http://", 10 * i);

    1) Will write to stdout (stdout_handler) :

    23:37:19.850432433 [11811] example_json_structured_log.cpp:39 LOG_INFO      dual_logger  - POST to http:// took 20 ms
    23:37:19.850440154 [11811] example_json_structured_log.cpp:39 LOG_INFO      dual_logger  - POST to http:// took 30 ms

    2) Will produce a JSON file (json_handler) :

    { "timestamp": "23:37:19.850432433", "file": "example_json_structured_log.cpp", "line": "39", "thread_id": "11811", "logger": "dual_logger", "level": "Info", "message": "{method} to {endpoint} took {elapsed} ms", "method": "POST", "endpoint": "http://", "elapsed": "20" }
    { "timestamp": "23:37:19.850440154", "file": "example_json_structured_log.cpp", "line": "39", "thread_id": "11811", "logger": "dual_logger", "level": "Info", "message": "{method} to {endpoint} took {elapsed} ms", "method": "POST", "endpoint": "http://", "elapsed": "30" }