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Latest Release
2165 days ago

Changelog History
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  • v0.95.0 Changes

    June 28, 2018

    Rewritten the Qt GUI, ported to PyQt5

    Resurrected, re-written and cleaned up the autokey-qt Qt GUI. autokey-qt is now a pure PyQt5 application, only πŸ‘ dependent on currently supported libraries.

    βž• Added improvements ++++++++++++++++++

    • The main window now keeps its complete state when closed and re-opened (excluding complete application restarts). This includes the currently selected item(s) in the tree view on the left of the main window, selected text and cursor position in the editor on the right if currently editing a script or phrase.
    • πŸ”§ The entries in the popup menu, that is shown when a hotkey assigned to a folder is pressed, now show icons based on their type (folder, phrase or script). This also works when items are configured to be shown in the system tray icon context menu.
    • The A autokey application icons are now always displayed correctly, both in the main window and the system tray icon.
    • 0️⃣ Various menu actions now have system dependent keyboard shortcuts, that should adjust to the expected default of the user’s current platform/desktop environment.
    • βž• Added icons and descriptive tooltip texts to various buttons.
    • πŸ”€ The enable monitoring checkboxes (both in the Settings menu and the tray icon context menu) now properly react to pressing the global hotkey for this action and thus stay in sync. (Even if the hotkey is used while the menu is shown.)

    Regressions +++++++++++

    • πŸ’» Customizing the main window toolbar entries and keyboard shortcuts to trigger various UI actions is no longer possible. This feature was provided by the KDE4 libraries and is currently dropped.
    • The previous, KDE4-based About dialogue is replaced with a very minimalistic one.
    • πŸ’… The settings dialogue heavily used the KDE4 functionalities. During the port to Qt5, the dialogue lost some visual style, but all core functionality is kept.

    βš™ Runtime dependencies ++++++++++++++++++++

    • βœ‚ Removed dependencies on deprecated and unmaintained PyQt4 and PyKDE4 libraries.
    • βœ‚ Removed dependency on dbus.mainloop.qt, instead use the DBus support built into Qt5.
    • Now depend on PyQt5, the Qt5 SVG module and the Qt5 QScintilla2 module.

    πŸ— Build-time dependencies +++++++++++++++++++++++ πŸ’» Optionally depend on pyrcc5 command line tool to compile Qt resources into a Python module.

    🚚 Qt UI files are no longer compiled using pykdeuic4, Removed the old compiler wrapper script in commit 6eeeb92f_.

    .. _6eeeb92f:

    Known bugs ++++++++++ The system tray icon is shown, but non-functional, after enabling it in the settings dialogue. AutoKey Qt has to be restarted for the tray icon to start working. This should have no impact on the normal daily use.

    πŸ”„ Changed features ++++++++++++++++ The hide tray icon entry in the tray icon context menu now hides the icon for the current session only. The entry does not permanently disable the tray icon any more without any confirmation. Now, the only way to permanently disable the tray icon is through using the appropriate setting in the settings dialogue.

    πŸ›  Fixed the broken Clipboard and Mouse selection phrase paste modes

    • πŸ‘€ Pasting using both Clipboard and Mouse selection works in both the Qt and GTK GUI. See #101_
    • πŸ›  Fixed restoring the clipboard after a paste is performed. Both GUIs now restore the previous clipboard content, after a phrase is pasted.

    .. _#101:

    Scripting API Changes

    βž• Additions +++++++++

    • βž• Added a colour picker dialogue to the GTK dialog class, because the used zenity now supports it.
    • The picked colour is returned as three integers using the ColourData NamedTuple, providing both index based access and attribute access, using the channel names (r, g, b). Additionally, ColourData provides some conversion methods.

    πŸ’₯ Breaking changes ++++++++++++++++

    • See Pull request #148_. The dialog classes for user input in scripts now return typed NamedTuple tuples instead of plain tuples. This change is safe as long as users do not perform needlessly restrictive type checks in their scripts (e.g. if type(returned_data) == type(tuple()): ...). User scripts doing so will break.
    • πŸ’… The KDialog based colour picker now also returns a ColourData instance instead of a HTML style hex string, thus making this portable between both GTK and Qt GUIs. AutoKey users previously using the old KDE GUI and using the colour picker dialogue have to port their scripts. A simple fix is using the html_code property of the returned ColourData instance.

    .. _#148:

    πŸ›  Fixes +++++

    • 🚚 Re-introduce the newline trimming for system.exec_command() function. During the porting to Python 3, the newline trimming was removed, causing users various issues with unexpected newline characters at end of output. Now properly remove the last newline at end of command output. (See issues #75, #92, #145_)
    • πŸ’… Applied various code style improvements to the scripting module.

    .. _#75: .. _#92: .. _#145:

    πŸ›  Other fixes and improvements

    • πŸ›  Fix the KDialog based colour picker provided in the scripting API. Newer versions of KDialog require an additional parameter, which is added now.
    • πŸ›  Fixed crashes related to mouse pasting when using the GTK GUI.
    • Both autokey-gtk and autokey-qt are now automatically generated setuptools entry-points.
    • autokey-gtk can now be launched directly from the autokey source tree.

    From the shell, cd into the lib directory, then use

    .. code-block:: sh

    <path_to_autokey_source_dir>/lib$ python3 -m autokey.gtkui [-l] [-c]
    # Or alternatively, to launch autokey-qt use:
    <path_to_autokey_source_dir>/lib$ python3 -m autokey.qtui [-l] [-c]
    • πŸ’… Various internal code style improvements at various locations, like added type hints, PEP8 style fixes, etc.
  • v0.94.0 Changes

    May 12, 2018
    • ⚑️ Various README updates
    • πŸ“œ Ported autokey-run from the legacy optparse module to the new Python 3 argparse module
    • βš™ Use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and $XDG_DATA_HOME directories for lock and log file
    • βž• Added support for function keys F13 to F35
    • πŸ”¨ Refactored the iomediator modules into a package. Applied various code cleanups and fixes.
  • v0.93.10 Changes

    February 17, 2017
    • The scripting global storage now returns None if the requested key is not present.
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved the error messages in autokey-run. It is now clear that autokey has to run in the background for autokey-run to work.
    • βž• Added a LICENSE file containing the GPL v3 license terms.
  • v0.93.9 Changes

    January 11, 2017

    πŸ›  Fixed a regression with install_requires keyword argument. ⚑️ Updated the GitHub issue template.

  • v0.93.8 Changes

    January 09, 2017
    • ⚑️ Readme updates
    • Depend on Ubuntu appindicator
    • Leverage libappindicator completely, fix "View script error"
  • v0.93.7 Changes

    December 21, 2016

    πŸš€ This release contains various bug/crash fixes

    • πŸ“‡ Renamed repository from autokey-py3 to autokey
    • 🚚 Moved the AutoKey source code out of src folder one level up.
    • βœ‚ Removed donate button
    • autokey-gtk script is now a setuptools generated entry point
    • Require GTK 3.0 to fix autokey-gtk startup
    • ⚑️ Updated various web links around the codebase
    • πŸ†• New feature: Return the result of wait events in the iomediator module.
  • v0.93.6 Changes

    August 13, 2016
    • Ensure Compatibility with official python-xlib
    • πŸ›  Fixed several GTK related warnings
    • GTK GUI: Add feature to trigger popupmenu items with letters, rather than numbers.
    • βž• Add an AUR link
  • v0.93.4 Changes

    February 17, 2015

    πŸ›  Bugfix: Prevent clipboard related crashes with GTK3.

  • v0.93.3 Changes

    February 20, 2015

    πŸ›  Bugfix for defining abbreviations by @kuhanalog_

    .. _@kuhanalog:

  • v0.93.2 Changes

    August 09, 2014

    Read user scripts with UTF-8 encoding.