mbedTLS v0.9 Release Notes

Release Date: 2008-03-16 // about 16 years ago
  • * Added support for ciphersuite: SSL_RSA_AES_128_SHA
    * Enabled support for large files by default in aescrypt2.c
    * Preliminary openssl wrapper contributed by David Barrett
    * Fixed a bug in ssl_write() that caused the same payload to
      be sent twice in non-blocking mode when send returns EAGAIN
    * Fixed ssl_parse_client_hello(): session id and challenge must
      not be swapped in the SSLv2 ClientHello (found by Greg Robson)
    * Added user-defined callback debug function (Krystian Kolodziej)
    * Before freeing a certificate, properly zero out all cert. data
    * Fixed the "mode" parameter so that encryption/decryption are
      not swapped on PadLock; also fixed compilation on older versions
      of gcc (bug reported by David Barrett)
    * Correctly handle the case in padlock_xcryptcbc() when input or
      output data is non-aligned by falling back to the software
      implementation, as VIA Nehemiah cannot handle non-aligned buffers
    * Fixed a memory leak in x509parse_crt() which was reported by Greg
      Robson-Garth; some x509write.c fixes by Pascal Vizeli, thanks to
      Matthew Page who reported several bugs
    * Fixed x509_get_ext() to accept some rare certificates which have
      an INTEGER instead of a BOOLEAN for BasicConstraints::cA.
    * Added support on the client side for the TLS "hostname" extension
      (patch contributed by David Patino)
    * Make x509parse_verify() return BADCERT_CN_MISMATCH when an empty
      string is passed as the CN (bug reported by spoofy)
    * Added an option to enable/disable the BN assembly code
    * Updated rsa_check_privkey() to verify that (D*E) = 1 % (P-1)*(Q-1)
    * Disabled obsolete hash functions by default (MD2, MD4); updated
      selftest and benchmark to not test ciphers that have been disabled
    * Updated x509parse_cert_info() to correctly display byte 0 of the
      serial number, setup correct server port in the ssl client example
    * Fixed a critical denial-of-service with X.509 cert. verification:
      peer may cause xyssl to loop indefinitely by sending a certificate
      for which the RSA signature check fails (bug reported by Benoit)
    * Added test vectors for: AES-CBC, AES-CFB, DES-CBC and 3DES-CBC,
      HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512
    * Fixed HMAC-SHA-384 and HMAC-SHA-512 (thanks to Josh Sinykin)
    * Modified ssl_parse_client_key_exchange() to protect against
      Daniel Bleichenbacher attack on PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, as well
      as the Klima-Pokorny-Rosa extension of Bleichenbacher's attack
    * Updated rsa_gen_key() so that ctx->N is always nbits in size
    * Fixed assembly PPC compilation errors on Mac OS X, thanks to
      David Barrett and Dusan Semen