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Widget-toolkit libraries

Showing projects tagged as Widget-toolkit

  • imgui

    9.9 9.7 L1 C++
    Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  • wxWidgets

    8.7 9.9 L1 C++
    Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
  • Qt

    7.6 10.0 L1 C++
    Qt Base (Core, Gui, Widgets, Network, ...)
  • Elements C++ GUI library

    7.3 9.5 C++
    Elements C++ GUI library
  • Turbo Vision

    6.3 8.0 C++
    A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces. Now cross-platform and with Unicode support.
  • FLTK

    6.2 9.8 C++
    FLTK - Fast Light Tool Kit - - cross platform GUI development

    4.8 8.8 C++
    A text-based widget toolkit.
  • gtkmm

    2.8 8.2 Scheme
    Read-only mirror of
  • newt

    1.9 5.0 C
    Mirror of