JavaCpp v0.4 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-03-03 // about 11 years ago
    • Fixed potential problem with methods of FunctionPointer annotated with @Cast("const...")
    • Upgraded references of the Android NDK to version r8d
    • Fixed callbacks not working on Android anymore (issue #30)
    • Added some Javadoc to most of the code
    • To help diagnose UnsatisfiedLinkError thrown by Loader.load(), they have been augmented with a potential cause originating from the "preloading" of libraries, whose premature deletion has also been fixed
    • Provided new @Platform(library="...") annotation value to let users specify the name of the native library used by both Builder and Loader, where different classes with the same name get built together, which also works on nested classes (issue #29)
    • Added the ability to change the name of the class of function objects created when defining a FunctionPointer with the @Name annotation
    • Builder would go on a compile spree when all classes specified on the command line could not be loaded
    • Exported Loader.isLoadLibraries(), which always returns true, except when the Builder loads the classes
    • Made it possible to specify a nested class (with a '$' character in the name) on the command line
    • When Pointer.limit == 0, the methods put(), zero(), and asBuffer() now assume a size of 1
    • Fixed compiler error on 32-bit Mac OS X