ITK v5.0.b01 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-09-11 // over 5 years ago
  • πŸš€ We are happy to announce the first beta release for ITK 5. This release features an additional, more Pythonic interface to filters. This interface is more familiar in Python and facilitates rapid prototyping. ITK 5.0 Beta 1 also includes many performance-related improvements, such as a pure C++11 thread pool by default, an HDF5 update to 1.10, new frequency domain iterators, new neighborhood range classes, and a new multi-dimensional, multi-component superpixel class.

    πŸš€ For an overview of ITK 5 performance-related changes and the transition to modern C++, see the ITK 5 Alpha 1: Modern C++ and ITK 5 Alpha 2: Performance release announcements.

    Python Interface

    ⚑️ The traditional, object-oriented interface to ITK's Python classes allows the composition of filters in a pipeline. After setting up a chain of filters, Update() is called at the end of the pipeline. This facilitates streaming of very large images that may exceed the system's memory capacity. For example,

    import itk input\_image = itk.imread('input.nrrd') ImageType = type(input\_image) radius = 2median\_filter = itk.MedianImageFilter[ImageType, ImageType].New() median\_filter.SetInput(input\_image) median\_filter.SetRadius(radius) median\_filter.Update() output\_image = median\_filter.GetOutput() itk.imwrite(output\_image, 'output.nrrd')

    While powerful, this interface is verbose.

    A procedural interface is now available with PEP8-compliant snake case naming of all filters that inherit from itk.ProcessObject. For example,

    import itk input\_image = itk.imread('input.nrrd') radius = 2output\_image = itk.median\_image\_filter(input\_image, radius=radius) itk.imwrite(output\_image, 'output.nrrd')

    In this case, the type of the filter is implicitly determined by the input image type. Immediately, the filter is executed, and the result is directly returned. Object parameters defined by Set* methods can be specified in the filter call with keyword arguments. The Pythonic, snake case form of these parameters can also be used.

    PEP8 function naming has also been applied to the NumPy bridge.

    array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(image)
    array = itk.array_from_image(image)

    Similar functions names are available when creating NumPy array views, itk.Image's from NumPy arrays, and converting VNL vector and matrices to NumPy arrays.

    πŸ“¦ To test the 5.0 Beta 1 Python packages, run

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade --pre itk

    🐎 Performance Improvements

    🐎 Based on experiences since initial changes introduced in ITK 5 Alpha 2, many notable performance improvements have been made.

    • 0️⃣ The default thread pool is now fully backed by C++11 threading primitives.
    • A new itk::MultiThreaderBase::ParallelizeArray function is available to quickly and easily dispatch C++11 lamda's or std::function's on linearly indexed containers, similar to itk::MultiThreaderBase::ParallelizeImageRegion for operating on N-dimensional image regions.
    • A new itk::MultiThreaderBase::ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection function is available to prevent splitting an image region over a given direction.
    • πŸ— SetNumberOfThreads has been renamed to SetNumberOfWorkUnits to more accurately reflect configuration of work unit granularity, especially in the context of the Threading Building Blocks (TBB) backend.
    • Progress reporting with multiple parallel operations is enabled with a new itk::ProgressTransformer class.
    • πŸ“š A large corpus of code has been transitioned ITK 5, and the process is now relatively straight forward and well documented. Please see the ITK 5 Migration Guide for more information.

    πŸ’… Style changes

    πŸ“š Classes in the C++11 standard library are now preferred over ITK's implementations. This includes atomic integers, mutex locks and related classes, and hash maps. For more information, please see the migration guide.

    πŸ†• New Classes

    πŸ‘€ Visible Human superpixel segmentation. A 2D slice of 3D superpixel. For more information, see the Insight Journal article, Scalable Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SSLIC) Using a Generic and Parallel Approach, Lowekamp, B et al,

    What's Next

    πŸš‘ There are many more bug fixes and critical improvements not mentioned above. For more details, please see the change log below. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this release.

    πŸš€ Please discuss your experiences on Discourse. The community has been quite active in testing and improving these changes for the next major release of ITK. Another beta release is planned for the October-November time period.

    Changes from v5.0a02 to v5.0b01
    Bradley Lowekamp (47):
          BUG: Prevent concurrent read/write in output image
          BUG: Handle case where output image is zero sized
          BUG: Add missing dependencies in Module testing
          ENH: Remove SPECIFIC_IMAGEIO_MODULE_TEST feature
          BUG: Fix name typo for ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_THREADER
          BUG: Fix incorrect library variable for MeshIO test drivers
          ENH: Create TestKernel library
          COMP: Fix overflow in floating-point conversion warning
          ENH: Add SLIC segmentation to new Superpixel module
          COMP: Fix C++11 compatibility with assert in constexpr
          COMP: Use std::min over vnl_math_min
          BUG: Fix index type and and number of indexes
          BUG: Add alternate baseline itkSLICImageFilterTest1 test
          ENH: Update test output to include test name
          BUG: improve numeric consistency in linear algorithm
          COMP: Add missing overrride to virtual destructor
          ENH: TileImageFilter learns to use VectorImages
          COMP: Remove unused testing function and headers
          BUG: Finish updating to ScanlineIterator in nonlinear method
          ENH: Update SLIC filter to use new ITK threading model
          ENH: TileImageFilter learns to use VectorImages
          ENH: Update SimpleITKFilters remote modules
          COMP: remove duplicate declaration of TempImageType
          DOC: Add link to published Insight Journal paper
          ENH: Update CenteredTransformInitializer print self method
          PERF: Remove internal streaming in DiscreteGaussianImageFilter
          ENH: Update MinimumMaximumImageFilter to use dynamic threading
          ENH: Update StatisticsImageFiler to use DynamicThreadedGenerateData
          ENH: Add compensated summation to the StatisticsImageFitler
          BUG: Use pip to install cmake
          BUG: Use pip to install cmake for release
          PERF: Use the recursive Gaussian filter in registration method
          BUG: Add additional baseline for debug
          COMP: Length GTest discovery timeout
          BUG: Correct image used for debug SimpleImageRegistrationTest
          BUG: Add cxx suffix to specified source GTest code
          ENH: Consistently use default OutputWindow for messages
          BUG: Explicitly set sampled pointset in virtual domain
          ENH: Use std::enable_if and std::is_same in filters
          PERF: Memory alloc reduction in ComputeJacobianWithRespect
          PERF: Improve MatrixOffset Jacobian computation performance
          COMP: Address signed to unsigned comparison warning
          STYLE: Cleanup development comments
          PERF: perform matrix multiplication in-place for composite Jacobian
          ENH: Provide explicitly instantiated vnl_svd_fixed
          PERF: Change type of Jacobian w.r. position to vnl_matrix_fixed
          PERF: Change the purpose of the cache jacobian argument
    Brian Avants (1):
          PERF: Only throw exception if zero valid points
    Chao Wu (2):
          ENH: Enable writing scl_slope and scl_inter in NIfTI header
          BUG: Missing SetCPUBufferPointer in GPUImage<...>::SetPixelContainer(...)
    Dženan Zukić (45):
          STYLE: a more direct link (after PR has been merged)
          STYLE: update clang-format configuration
          ENH: adding ParallelizeArray method to MultiThreaderBase
          COMP: fixing warning in external module
          COMP: Address usage of deleted assignment operator
          ENH: more thorough removal of deprecated "multiple method"
          DOC: add compatibility warning to Barrier
          STYLE: initializing SingleMethod/SingleData in base class
          DOC: merging instructions from itkMultiThreader.h into migration guide
          ENH: rename NumberOfThreads into NumberOfWorkUnits in filters
          ENH: Add backwards compatibility for Get/SetNumberOfThreads
          ENH: renaming NumberOfThreads into NumberOfWorkUnits in MultiThreaderBase
          ENH: adding backwards compatibility for MultiThreaders
          ENH: default number of work units is greater than default number of threads
          COMP: fixing compile warning on GCC 4.8
          ENH: rewriting thread pool to take advantage of C++11
          ENH: implement Parallelize Array and ImageRegion in PoolMultiThreader
          COMP: SmoothingRecursiveYvvGaussianFilter compiles with new ITKv5 threading
          ENH: RGB/RGBA consistency, operator / and remove comments from implementation
          ENH: refactoring RecursiveSeparableImageFilter to use new threading
          ENH: updating MCI: adjusting to split between threads and work units in ITKv5
          ENH: compute spacing using n-1 instead 2-1 in ImageSeriesReader
          BUG: updating the HDF5 symbol mangling
          ENH: fix reading of oblique image series
          BUG: fixing crash in ThreadPool's destructor
          COMP: fixing warning about shadowed global
          COMP: avoid warning with CMake 3.12 and newer regarding policy CMP0075
          ENH: write format which is backwards-compatible with HDF5 version 1.8
          ENH: refactoring BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter to use the new threading model
          ENH: adding ProgressTransformer
          ENH: proper backwards compatibility to HDF5 1.8
          STYLE: fixing 'No new line at the end of file'
          ENH: adding short description of split between threads and work units
          ENH: rewriting BarrierTest to work with any MultiThreader
          ENH: cause compile error with HDF5 version 1.10.0 and 1.10.1
          STYLE: fixing 'No new line at the end of file'
          ENH: restore BeforeThreadedGenerateData method
          DOC: state that SetRecursive must be called before SetInputDirectory
          BUG: updating the symbol mangling list
          BUG: removing mangling of unversioned variant of versioned definitions
          ENH: update migration guide: prefer C++11 classes over ITK's
          ENH: cleaning up ProcessObject
          ENH: using progress transformer in recently refactored classes
          COMP: fixing LoggerBase to compile even when DEBUG is defined
          DOC: ProgressReporter should be replaced by ProgressTransformer
    Francois Budin (3):
          BUG: Improvements to ITK NumPyBridge
          DOC: Improve exception message to precise what image sizes can be processed
          BUG: Improvements to ITK NumPyBridge
    GCC-XML Upstream (1):
          ENH: pygccxml develop (reduced)
    GDCM Upstream (1):
          GDCM 2018-05-23 (69cb71a4)
    HDF5 Maintainers (3):
          HDF5 2016-05-10 (7453bbef)
          HDF5 2018-07-20 (bed5b207)
          HDF5 2018-08-22 (08d77e43)
    Hans Johnson (6):
          ENH: HDF5 moved from svn to git
          ENH: Update HDF5 import script for 1.10.2
          ENH: Remove svn version of hdf5 files not added by import from git
          STYLE: Consistently name for ITK conventions
          BUG: Fixing the HDF5 internal path names tests
          COMP: Fix const assignment error in testing
    Isaiah Norton (3):
          BUG: prevent segfault when transform reader fails to load .mat
          PERF: improve DCMTKFileReader::CanReadFile perf
          BUG: prevent segfault when transform reader fails to load .mat
    Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (1):
          BUG: Refactor itkFloatingPointExceptions to fix macOS support
    Jon Haitz Legarreta (1):
          ENH: User initialization lists over direct assignment.
    Jon Haitz Legarreta GorroΓ±o (4):
          ENH: Add the ITK BoneMorphometry module as a remote.
          COMP: Bump remote modules versions.
          ENH: Clean up itkGrayscaleMorphologyImageFilter tests.
          ENH: Increase itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter coverage.
    KWSys Upstream (1):
          KWSys 2018-06-01 (8ef62b28)
    Kwame Kutten (2):
          BUG: Removed quotes from fftwf and fftwd hashes
          ENH: Make StatisticsImageFilter returns Sum Of Squares
    Marian Klymov (1):
          ENH: Mark copy constructor of ExceptionObject and derived classes noexcept.
    Matthew McCormick (39):
          COMP: Reduce example line lengths for inclusion in the SG
          COMP: Remove duplicate InPlaceImageFilter wrapping for RGB -> UC
          BUG: Do not copy workbox files when BUILD_DOCUMENTATION is OFF
          COMP: Remove duplicate BinaryGeneratorImageFilter class wrapping
          BUG: Migrate to
          ENH: Remove itkzlib in preparation for subtree update
          ENH: Add ZLIB
          BUG: Do not use P-threads with Emscripten
          COMP: Remove extra argument from HoughTransform3DCircles wrapping
          ENH: Update testing data content links
          BUG: Correct Windows and macOS CastXML hashes
          BUG: Fix SLICImageFilter wrapping
          BUG: Improve backwards compatibility of BoxUtilities functions
          BUG: Remove commented, unused Python wrapping configuration
          BUG: Remove deprecated GetPointer wrapping method
          ENH: Python snake case functions
          BUG: Remove deprecated itk.write function
          BUG: Remove unmaintained, itk.show2D
          ENH: Add snake case function aliases for NumPy conversions
          DOC: ITK 5 now requires CMake 3.10.2
          BUG: Bump SplitComponents remote module to 2018-07-18
          BUG: Remove TBBImageToImageFilter remote module
          BUG: Correct Windows and macOS CastXML hashes
          COMP: Set CMake project command VERSION
          COMP: Do not wrap itk::ThreadJob
          COMP: Set CMake project command VERSION
          ENH: Add ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection
          COMP: Bump CastXML for Visual Studio 2017 support
          ENH: Bump pygccxml hash to 2018-08-07 develop branch
          ENH: Update pygccxml git subtree version
          BUG: Remove
          BUG: Use manylinux to build CastXML linux executable
          BUG: Avoid symlink issues in
          DOC: Additional information and updates on bug fix release process
          COMP: Prevent duplicate wrapping ouput file specification
          COMP: Support instantiation of a 1D TranslationTransform
          DOC: Update how to reference a GitHub issue in the commit-msg hook
          DOC: ITK 5 Migration Guide grammar tweaks
          ENH: PEP8 for itk.Extras arguments
    MetaIO Maintainers (1):
          MetaIO 2018-07-17 (6328f544)
    Niels Dekker (14):
          DOC: Fixed \code sections ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange and added \author
          STYLE: Renamed RelativeIndices to ShapeOffsets in ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange
          ENH: Added ConnectedImageNeighborhoodShape, for N-connected neighborhoods
          ENH: Added operator[] to ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange
          ENH: Documented + tested order offsets ConnectedImageNeighborhoodShape
          COMP: Fixed conversion to PDFValueType in MattesMutualInfo...Threader
          ENH: Added reverse iterators to ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange
          STYLE: Removed HoughTransform2DCircles default for TRadiusPixelType
          ENH: Changed type float data members HoughTransform filters to double
          ENH: Added Functor::CoLexicographicCompare
          ENH: Made Functor::LexicographicCompare more generic and easier to use
          BUG: Added default-constructor iterator ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange
          ENH: Added ImageNeighborhoodPixelAccessPolicy for custom border extrapolation
          STYLE: Removed LinearInterpolateImageFunction::m_Neighbors
    Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan (11):
          COMP: Remove ignored const qualifier in template.
          COMP: Fix warnings -Wcatch-value
          ENH: Update isotropic wavelets module.
          ENH: Add frequency iterators and band pass filter.
          COMP: Update IsotropicWavelets, remove FrequencyIterators
          STYLE: Remove comment in ITKImageFrequency cmake
          BUG: Fixes generating floating point exceptions
          COMP: Fix warnings in cdash introduced after FPE.
          DOC: Add example using std::atomic for multithreading.
          STYLE: Mark CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX as advanced.
          COMP: Avoid extra point copy in MetaTube
    Sean McBride (2):
          COMP: Fixed warning about missing case label in public header
          COMP: Fixed three misc clang warnings
    Simon Rit (1):
          ENH: allow wrapping of XML writers
    VXL Maintainers (3):
          VNL 2018-07-26 (2a77e40b)
          VNL 2018-08-04 (3dafea87)
          VNL 2018-09-05 (fc0c9043)
    Vladimir S. FONOV (1):
          MINC 2018-08-09 (ce4333ca)
    Zlib Upstream (1):
          zlib 2018-06-11 (355d8648)

    Enjoy ITK!