
The C++ header provides generic file operation support and defines a number of functions with narrow and multibyte character input/output capabilities, and the header provides functions with wide character input/output capabilities.
The C++ header supports localization specific settings, such as culture-specific date formats or country-specific currency symbols. .
Searching an element in a doubly linked list requires creating a temp node pointing to the head of the list. Along with this, two more variables are required to track search and index of the current node.
The C++ has library which implements the complex class to contain complex numbers in Cartesian form and several functions and overloads to operate with them.
A map is an associative container that stores data sequence in key-value pair which is sorted by key. In a map, no two mapped values can have the same key. The data type of key and mapped value may differ.
A valarray object is designed to hold an array of values. It supports element-wise mathematical operations and various forms of generalized subscript operators, slicing, and indirect access. Most of the mathematical operations can be directly applied to valarray objects, including arithmetical and comparison operators, affecting all its elements.
The C++ header file describes the characteristics of floating types. It contains platform-dependent and implementation-specific floating point values.
C++ - Queue Tutorial
C++ - Unordered Map Tutorial
C++ STL - Deque tutorial.
Implementation of Doubly Linked List in C++
A priority queue is a dynamic data structure that holds priority. It is similar to a heap, where elements can be inserted in any order and max heap element is retrieved first. Similarly, max heap element is deleted first.
Learn about C++ STL - Forward List
A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are stored in the form of a node. Each node contains two sub-elements. A data part that stores the value of the element and next part that stores the pointer to the next node.
Learn about C++ Vector
This tutorial covers basics of C++.