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Containers libraries

Showing projects tagged as Header Only and Containers

  • pybind11

    9.4 8.7 C++
    Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
  • FunctionalPlus

    6.6 7.7 L4 C++
    Functional Programming Library for C++. Write concise and readable C++ code.

    6.5 7.2 C++
    Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
  • Inja

    6.1 4.2 C++
    A Template Engine for Modern C++
  • v8pp

    5.1 5.5 L4 C++
    Bind C++ functions and classes into V8 JavaScript engine
  • semver

    3.4 5.1 C++
    Semantic Versioning for modern C++
  • dynamic_bitset

    2.6 6.6 C++
    Simple Useful Libraries: C++17/20 header-only dynamic bitset
  • Ygg

    2.5 3.3 C++
    An intrusive C++17 implementation of a Red-Black-Tree, a Weight Balanced Tree, a Dynamic Segment Tree and much more!
  • flat_map

    1.6 4.4 C++
    Header only associative linear container.
  • Learn Project

    0.9 0.0 Java
    go study