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Concurrency libraries

Showing projects tagged as C++17 and Concurrency

  • MPMCQueue.h

    5.6 2.8 C++
    A bounded multi-producer multi-consumer concurrent queue written in C++11
  • stdgpu

    5.2 7.1 C++
    stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
  • xenium

    3.9 7.1 C++
    A C++ library providing various concurrent data structures and reclamation schemes.
  • rotor

    3.5 8.7 C++
    Event loop friendly C++ actor micro-framework, supervisable
  • Easy Creation of GnuPlot Scripts from C++

    1.8 0.7 C++
    A simple C++17 lib that helps you to quickly plot your data with GnuPlot
  • wstpool

    0.9 0.0 C++
    Work Stealing Thread Pool