ITK v5.0.rc01 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-02-05 // about 5 years ago
  • πŸš€ We are happy to announce the Insight Toolkit (ITK) Release Candidate 1! πŸŽ‰ As the first release candidate, the major advancements for ITK 5 have matured, and the community is encouraged to adopt the release candidate in ITK-based applications.

    πŸš€ This release improves Mesh support in Python though simplification and extension of Mesh and PointSet wrapping. In general, this release makes improvements to the modernization of the toolkit staged in ITK 5.
    The C++ range classes continue to advance, including the experimental itk::ImageBufferRange, itk::IndexRange, and itk::ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange. Our migration to GitHub was overwhelmingly successful, but it continues to improve. Pull requests now receive a helpful CDash build analysis GitHub Check.

    πŸ— GitHub CDash Build Analysis Check

    πŸš€ For an overview of ITK 5's transition to modern C++, performance-related changes, the new, Pythonic API, and the project's migration to GitHub, see the ITK 5 Alpha 1: Modern C++, ITK 5 Alpha 2: Performance, ITK 5 Beta 1: Pythonic Interface, and ITK 5 Beta 3: GitHub release announcements.

    🐎 Performance Improvements

    • N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter accelerated through itk::ImageBufferRange and other optimizations.
    • 🚚 Various modern C++ improvements related to default constructors, move operations, etc.

    πŸ“š Documentation

    • ⚑️ ITK Software Guide PDF is now updated for ITK 5.
    • TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint notation is improved.


    • πŸ‘ Mesh IO classes, e.g. Gifti, OBJ, OFF, FreeSurfer, BYU, STL, are now split into separate modules for better modularity.
    • πŸ— A CDash build analysis summary and link is provided as a GitHub Check.
    • βž• Added new C++11 member functions from std::vector to itk::VectorContainer.

    Third Party

    • πŸ‘ DCMTK 3.6.4 is now supported.
    • CanRead is now faster for inspection of potential DICOM files, both with the GDCM and DCMTK DICOM backends.
    • ⚑️ Eigen updated to 3.3.7.
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved support for integration of a system Eigen.
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved compatibility with system HDF5.


    • Wrapping for Mesh and PointSet classes was simplified and extended.
    • BinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter is now available in Python.
    • πŸ‘ Better itk.Image NumPy buffer management for advanced pipeline grafting.

    πŸš€ To install the 5.0 Release Candidate 1 Python packages, run

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade --pre itk

    What's Next

    πŸš€ There are many more bug fixes and improvements not mentioned above. For more details, please see the change log below. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.

    πŸ“š The ITK 5 Migration Guide is available to help transition a code base from ITK 4 to ITK 5. Please discuss your experiences on Discourse.

    πŸš€ We are approaching the 5.0.0 final release! The next release will be the second ITK 5 release candidate; it is scheduled for March.

    Enjoy ITK!

    Changes from v5.0b03 to v5.0rc01
    Bradley Lowekamp (2) @blowekamp:
          BUG: Use compatible ITKv4 computation
          BUG: Fix Ostu test to work with ITKv4 default options
    Dženan Zukić (9) @dzenanz:
          ENH: updating ITKMontage module
          DOC: trying to fix the doxygen warning
          ENH: Updating Visual Studio debug visualizer definitions
          DOC: removing long outdated comment
          ENH: updating Montage module
          STYLE: minor fixes to release notes
          COMP: a fix for system double-conversion build
          ENH: updating Montage: fix double-conversion include directory
          ENH: update ITKMontage: Fix crash when setting tiles from memory
    Eigen Upstream (1):
          Eigen3 2019-01-14 (16812519)
    Francois Budin (1) @fbudin69500:
          BUG: Missing ITK_WRAP_rgba_* variables in
    Hans Johnson (7) @hjmjohnson:
          STYLE: rm initializer list extra lines
          ENH: DCMTK 3.6.4 api changes accomodated
          ENH: Move default [con/de]strutor to .h
          COMP: Protected static function must be public
          PERF: GDCM & DCMTK CanRead fails very slowly for non-DICOM files.
          PERF: readability container size empty
          STYLE: Prefer = default to explicit constructor(){}
    Jon Haitz Legarreta GorroΓ±o (1) @jhlegarreta:
          DOC: Adjust the CoC Committee to the 01/09/2019 meeting decision.
    Matthew McCormick (31) @thewtex:
          ENH: Update Azure Pipelines CI testing cache to 5.0b03
          DOC: Releasing ITK updates for 5.0b03
          BUG: Exercise BinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilterTest
          BUG: BinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter GenerateData protected
          BUG: Remove unused FixedDensityFunction in JensenHavrdaChatvatTsallis
          BUG: Do not build/use PoolMultiThreader without WinThreads or PThreads
          BUG: ShapeDetectionLevelSetFilter outputs
          BUG: ShapeDetectionLevelSetFilter outputFileName
          COMP: Remove itk::ThreadPool::GetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreadsByPlatform
          DOC: Add 5.0 Beta 3 release notes
          DOC: Fix link to in
          ENH: Add wrapping for BinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter
          COMP: Mark DCMTKImageIO::CanWriteFile argument as unused
          COMP: Fix Software Guide line length too long warnings
          COMP: Fix Software Guide line length too long warnings
          ENH: Use CompensatedSummation in point set metrics to improve robustness
          COMP: ShapedImageNeighborhoodRangeGTest array initialization
          ENH: Move Gifti Mesh IO into a separate module
          ENH: Consistency in wrapped mesh types
          PERF: Parallelize ManifoldParzenWidnowsPointSetFunction::SetInputPointSet
          ENH: Move OBJ Mesh IO into a separate module
          ENH: Migrate OFF IO into ITKIOMeshOFF
          ENH: Update IOSTL to 2019-01-16 master
          COMP: Do not use readNoPreambleDICOM with Emscripten
          BUG: Fix Azure Pipelines commit checkout
          BUG: Fix Azure Pipelines master checkout on Windows
          BUG: Default MeshIOBase PointDimension is 3
          ENH: Update IOMeshSTL remote module and update name
          ENH: Improve loading to help pyinstaller can analyze module dependencies
          COMP: Wrapping of VectorContainer and DefaultStaticMeshTraits
          ENH: Add legacy multi-frame DICOM MD5 content links
    Niels Dekker (19) @N-Dekker:
          DOC: issue #273: SyNImageRegistrationMethod default member initializers
          STYLE: Small improvements ImageBase constructor, SetRequestedRegion, '\'
          COMP: Fix "unreachable code" MakeOutput RegistrationMethods
          PERF: N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter implementation using ImageRange
          STYLE: Renamed ImageRange to ImageBufferRange
          PERF: Remove SystemInformation data from ResourceProbe, fix issue #350
          STYLE: Remove dynamic_cast from CastToSTLContainer(), add noexcept
          PERF: N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter adds points + weights ~20% faster
          PERF: Fast assign point data, weights BSplineScatteredData filter
          COMP: ImageBufferRange iterator same as const_iterator, for const image
          PERF: BSplineDecompositionImageFilter now calls ImageAlgorithm::Copy
          ENH: Add default-constructor and empty() to ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange
          ENH: Made ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange assignable and tested copy + move
          STYLE: C++ "Rule of Zero" for iterator classes of Range types
          PERF: Add fast noexcept move semantics to Neighborhood and its Allocator
          BUG: ResourceProbe::Reset() should set m_MaximumValue to lowest value
          BUG: Fixed MoveAssignedRangeHasSameIterators GTest of two range types
          STYLE: Move test utils default-constructed ranges to RangeGTestUtilities
          ENH: Add default-constructor and empty() to IndexRange
    Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan (14) @phcerdan:
          DOC: Fix doxygen in SymmetricEigenAnalysis
          ENH: Python, wrap complex in NumericTraits
          ENH: Update IsotropicWavelets module
          BUG: Fix failure of ITK_EIGEN macro expansion
          ENH: Add test checking noexcept moves in FixedArray
          STYLE: Change EXPECT_EQ to EXPECT_TRUE|FALSE in CommonTypeTraitGTest
          ENH: Add python wrapping for std::pair and other int containers
          ENH: Add internal/external eigen3 libraries
          ENH: Update IsotropicWavelets
          ENH: Add new c++11 member functions of std::vector to itk::VectorContainer
          ENH: Simplify specialization of NumericTraits<std::complex<TComponent>>
          BUG: itkMatrix: Use NumericTraits::Zero instead of literal 0
          DOC: SoftwareGuide: improve TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint notation
          COMP: Fix multi-line comment warning generated by latex notation
    Roman Grothausmann (1) @romangrothausmann:
          BUG: avoid overwriting output in 2nd run used for comparison in test:
    Simon Rit (1) @SimonRit:
          BUG: python itk.Image returned by GetImageFromArray now manages its own buffer
    @ihnorton (1):
          COMP: use HDF5 library names only to avoid abspaths w/ SYSTEM_HDF5