ITK v4.13.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-03-22 // about 5 years ago
  • 🚀 On behalf of the Insight Toolkit (ITK) Community, we are happy to announce the release of ITK 4.13.2!

    ITK is an open-source, cross-platform library for multidimensional image analysis.

    🚀 Release files can be downloaded from

    ⬆️ To install or upgrade Python packages with pip:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade itk

    📚 This is a patch release that fixes critical issues, regressions, documentation, and compiler support. This release includes a number of fixes for GDCM for improved DICOM support. The build system is updated for compatibility with newer CMake. Continuous integration testing is also improved following our migration to GitHub.

    🚀 The next feature pre-release for ITK 5, ITK 5 Release Candidate 2, is anticipated in a few weeks.

    Enjoy ITK!

    ITK changes from v4.13.1 to v4.13.2:

    Bai Shi (1):
          COMP: To fix compilation error of "cannot dynamic_cast 'x'
    Bradley Lowekamp @blowekamp (10):
          BUG: Support ITK transform files with corrected group names
          BUG: Update SCIOFIO to ITKv4.13 branch
          BUG: Handle boundary case with max metric
          BUG: Remove static member function variable
          BUG: Synchronize BSpline MeshDomain parameters from fixed params
          COMP: Address CMake policy warnings in ThirdParty libraries
          ENH: Update AzurePipelines configuration from master
          ENH: Explicitly set the XCode version used in Azure
          COMP: Use CMP0048 new for wrapping
          COMP: Set CMP0048 to new in ITK (Remote) Modules
    Dženan Zukić @dzenanz (2):
          STYLE: fixing 'No new line at the end of file'
          ENH: ITKv5_CONST macro for VerifyPreconditions() and VerifyInputInformation()
    Francois Budin @fbudin69500 (1):
          BUG: Disable Python tests if `ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES` is OFF
    GDCM Upstream @malaterre (3):
          GDCM 2019-02-07 (8e1cfd05)
          GDCM 2018-10-23 (2e701ed7)
          GDCM 2019-02-08 (815caa81)
    Isaiah Norton @ihnorton (2):
          BUG: prevent segfault when transform reader fails to load .mat
          BUG: don't quote argument to URL_HASH for FFTW
    Matthew McCormick @thewtex (9):
          BUG: Use manylinux to build CastXML linux executable
          COMP: Address empty _FILE_OFFSET_BITS in tif_config.h with MinGW64
          BUG: Remove duplicate ITK version number
          ENH: Add Azure Pipelines configuration
          ENH: Add regression test for reading legacy multi-frame DICOM
          COMP: Set CMP0083 for PIE flags
          ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.13.2
          ENH: Add missing SHA512 content link
          ENH: Explicitly use Python 3.7 in Azure builds
    Niels Dekker @N-Dekker (2):
          COMP: Fixed GDCM OpenJPEG name mangling
          PERF: Remove SystemInformation data from ResourceProbe, fix issue #350