ITK v4.13.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-08-09 // over 5 years ago
  • 🚀 On behalf of the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) Community, we are happy to announce the release of ITK 4.13.1!

    ITK is an open-source, cross-platform library for multidimensional image analysis.

    🚀 Release files can be downloaded from

    ⬆️ To install or upgrade Python packages with pip:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python -m pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager itk

    📦 To install packages with conda:

    conda install -c conda-forge itk

    This is a patch release that fixes critical issues, regressions, documentation, and compiler support. This release includes the addition of symbol name mangling for HDF5 and fixes to the name mangling for libtiff. A number of fixes were added to the NumPy bridge along with miscellaneous improvements. For more details, see the log below.

    🚀 This release is also the first time packages are available for Python 3.7.

    🚀 The next feature pre-release for ITK 5, ITK 5 Beta 1, is anticipated within the next few weeks.

    Enjoy ITK!

    ITK changes from v4.13.0 to v4.13.1:

    Bradley Lowekamp (10):
          COMP: Use anonymous namespace for internal linkage
          COMP: Update SimpleITKFilters for dependency issues
          BUG: Add missing extensions to ImageIO
          BUG: Add specification of OutputImage Type for TobogganImageFilter
          BUG: Prevent concurrent read/write in output image
          BUG: Handle case where output image is zero sized
          COMP: Fix overflow in floating-point conversion warning
          ENH: TileImageFilter learns to use VectorImages
          ENH: Update SimpleITKFilters remote modules
          BUG: Use pip to install cmake for release
    Francois Budin (2):
          BUG: Initializes CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX to be empty
          BUG: Improvements to ITK NumPyBridge
    Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (1):
          BUG: Prevent gdcm "missing implementation" error on macOS
    Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (1):
          ENH: Add Python wrap file to itk::MultiResolutionPDEDeforableRegistration.
    Martino Pilia (1):
          BUG: fix itkFormatWarning in Python wrapping
    Matthew McCormick (13):
          ENH: Add wrapping for BSplineTransformInitializer
          COMP: Do not use absolute path to TestBigEndian.cmake in GDCM
          COMP: Enable pthreads shim with Emscripten
          BUG: Allow module examples to be enabled when built externally
          ENH: Ensure external module examples get added to current build tree
          COMP: Work around RegionGrow2DTest compiler error on ppc64le
          BUG: Wrap long long instead of long
          COMP: Detect Linux in itkMemoryUsageObserver.h on Alpine Linux
          COMP: Wrap MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration for Pyramid filter types
          BUG: Migrate to
          BUG: Correct Windows and macOS CastXML hashes
          COMP: Set CMake project command VERSION
          COMP: Bump CastXML for Visual Studio 2017 support
    Niels Dekker (1):
          COMP: Worked around endless VS2015 Release compilation on Math::Floor
    Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan (2):
          COMP: Fix VNL to compile with gcc8.
          STYLE: Mark CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX as advanced.
    Sean McBride (5):
          STYLE: arranged/alphabetized things to make subsequent changes reviewable
          COMP: Fixed some missing name mangling of libTIFF symbols
          BUG: fixed crash on macOS under guardmalloc from RunOSCheck()
          COMP: Mangle HDF5 symbol names
          COMP: fix warning about implicit double to bool conversion