All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
66 days
Latest Release
601 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v7.0.3 Changes

    August 06, 2020
    • Worked around broken numeric_limits for 128-bit integers (#1787 <>_).

    • βž• Added error reporting on missing named arguments (#1796 <>_).

    • Stopped using 128-bit integers with clang-cl (#1800 <>). Thanks @Kingcom <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed issues in locale-specific integer formatting (#1782 <>, #1801 <>).

  • v7.0.2 Changes

    July 29, 2020
    • Worked around broken numeric_limits for 128-bit integers (#1725 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed compatibility with CMake 3.4 (#1779 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of digit separators in locale-specific formatting (#1782 <>_).

  • v7.0.1 Changes

    July 07, 2020
    • ⚑️ Updated the inline version namespace name.

    • Worked around a gcc bug in mangling of alias templates (#1753 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed a linkage error on Windows (#1757 <>). Thanks @Kurkin (Dmitry Kurkin) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed minor issues with the documentation.

  • v7.0.0 Changes

    July 05, 2020
    • ⬇️ Reduced the library size. For example, on macOS a stripped test binary statically linked with {fmt} shrank from ~368k to less than 100k <>_.

    • βž• Added a simpler and more efficient format string compilation API <>_:

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/compile.h>
     // Converts 42 into std::string using the most efficient method and no
     // runtime format string processing.
     std::string s = fmt::format(FMT_COMPILE("{}"), 42);

    The old fmt::compile API is now deprecated.

    • ⚑️ Optimized integer formatting: format_to with format string compilation and a stack-allocated buffer is now faster than to_chars on both libc++ and libstdc++ <>_.

    • ⚑️ Optimized handling of small format strings. For example,

    .. code:: c++

      fmt::format("Result: {}: ({},{},{},{})", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5)

    is now ~40% faster (#1685 <>_).

    • Applied extern templates to improve compile times when using the core API and fmt/format.h (#1452 <>_). For example, on macOS with clang the compile time of a test translation unit dropped from 2.3s to 0.3s with -O2 and from 0.6s to 0.3s with the default settings (-O0).

    Before (-O2)::

    % time c++ -c -I include -std=c++17 -O2
    c++ -c -I include -std=c++17 -O2  2.22s user 0.08s system 99% cpu 2.311 total

    After (-O2)::

    % time c++ -c -I include -std=c++17 -O2
    c++ -c -I include -std=c++17 -O2  0.26s user 0.04s system 98% cpu 0.303 total

    Before (default)::

    % time c++ -c -I include -std=c++17
    c++ -c -I include -std=c++17  0.53s user 0.06s system 98% cpu 0.601 total

    After (default)::

    % time c++ -c -I include -std=c++17
    c++ -c -I include -std=c++17  0.24s user 0.06s system 98% cpu 0.301 total

    It is still recommended to use fmt/core.h instead of fmt/format.h but the compile time difference is now smaller. Thanks @alex3d <>_ for the suggestion.

    • Named arguments are now stored on stack (no dynamic memory allocations) and the compiled code is more compact and efficient. For example

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/core.h>
     int main() {
       fmt::print("The answer is {answer}\n", fmt::arg("answer", 42));

    compiles to just (godbolt <>__)

    .. code:: asm

              .string "answer"
              .string "The answer is {answer}\n"
              sub     rsp, 56
              mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC1
              mov     esi, 23
              movabs  rdx, 4611686018427387905
              lea     rax, [rsp+32]
              lea     rcx, [rsp+16]
              mov     QWORD PTR [rsp+8], 1
              mov     QWORD PTR [rsp], rax
              mov     DWORD PTR [rsp+16], 42
              mov     QWORD PTR [rsp+32], OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
              mov     DWORD PTR [rsp+40], 0
              call    fmt::v6::vprint(fmt::v6::basic_string_view<char>,
              xor     eax, eax
              add     rsp, 56
                  .asciz  "answer"
    • Implemented compile-time checks for dynamic width and precision (#1614 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/format.h>
     int main() {
       fmt::print(FMT_STRING("{0:{1}}"), 42);

    now gives a compilation error because argument 1 doesn't exist::

    In file included from
    include/fmt/format.h:2726:27: error: constexpr variable 'invalid_format' must be
    initialized by a constant expression
      FMT_CONSTEXPR_DECL bool invalid_format =
    include/fmt/core.h:569:26: note: in call to
    '&checker(s, {}).context_->on_error(&"argument not found"[0])'
        if (id >= num_args_) on_error("argument not found");
    • βž• Added sentinel support to fmt::join (#1689 <>_)

    .. code:: c++

    struct zstring_sentinel {};
    bool operator==(const char* p, zstring_sentinel) { return *p == '\0'; }
    bool operator!=(const char* p, zstring_sentinel) { return *p != '\0'; }
    struct zstring {
      const char* p;
      const char* begin() const { return p; }
      zstring_sentinel end() const { return {}; }
    auto s = fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(zstring{"hello"}, "_"));
    // s == "h_e_l_l_o"

    Thanks @BRevzin (Barry Revzin) <>_.

    • βž• Added support for named arguments, clear and reserve to dynamic_format_arg_store (#1655 <>, #1663 <>, #1674 <>, #1677 <>). Thanks @vsolontsov-ll (Vladimir Solontsov) <>_.

    • βž• Added support for the 'c' format specifier to integral types for compatibility with std::format (#1652 <>_).

    • Replaced the 'n' format specifier with 'L' for compatibility with std::format (#1624 <>_). The 'n' specifier can be enabled via the FMT_DEPRECATED_N_SPECIFIER macro.

    • 0️⃣ The '=' format specifier is now disabled by default for compatibility with std::format. It can be enabled via the FMT_DEPRECATED_NUMERIC_ALIGN macro.

    • βœ‚ Removed the following deprecated APIs:

      • FMT_STRING_ALIAS and fmt macros - replaced by FMT_STRING
      • fmt::basic_string_view::char_type - replaced by fmt::basic_string_view::value_type
      • convert_to_int
      • format_arg_store::types
      • *parse_context - replaced by *format_parse_context
      • FMT_DEPRECATED_PERCENT - incompatible with std::format
      • *writer - replaced by compiled format API
    • πŸ“‡ Renamed the internal namespace to detail (#1538 <>_). The former is still provided as an alias if the FMT_USE_INTERNAL macro is defined.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved compatibility between fmt::printf with the standard specs (#1595 <>, #1682 <>, #1683 <>, #1687 <>, #1699 <>). Thanks @rimathia <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of operator<< overloads that use copyfmt (#1666 <>_).

    • βž• Added the FMT_OS CMake option to control inclusion of OS-specific APIs in the fmt target. This can be useful for embedded platforms (#1654 <>, #1656 <>). Thanks @kwesolowski (Krzysztof Wesolowski) <>_.

    • πŸ— Replaced FUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION with the FMT_FUZZ macro to prevent interferring with fuzzing of projects using {fmt} (#1650 <>). Thanks @asraa (Asra Ali) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed compatibility with emscripten (#1636 <>, #1637 <>). Thanks @ArthurSonzogni (Arthur Sonzogni) <>_.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved documentation (#704 <>, #1643 <>, #1660 <>, #1681 <>, #1691 <>, #1706 <>, #1714 <>, #1721 <>, #1739 <>, #1740 <>, #1741 <>, #1751 <>). Thanks @senior7515 (Alexander Gallego) <>, @lsr0 (Lindsay Roberts) <>, @puetzk (Kevin Puetz) <>, @fpelliccioni (Fernando Pelliccioni) <>, Alexey Kuzmenko, @jelly (jelle van der Waa) <>, @claremacrae (Clare Macrae) <>, @jiapengwen (文佳鹏) <>, @gsjaardema (Greg Sjaardema) <>, @alexey-milovidov <>_.

    • πŸ— Implemented various build configuration fixes and improvements (#1603 <>, #1657 <>, #1702 <>, #1728 <>). Thanks @scramsby (Scott Ramsby) <>, @jtojnar (Jan Tojnar) <>, @orivej (Orivej Desh) <>, @flagarde <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed various warnings and compilation issues (#1616 <>, #1620 <>, #1622 <>, #1625 <>, #1627 <>, #1628 <>, #1629 <>, #1631 <>, #1633 <>, #1649 <>, #1658 <>, #1661 <>, #1667 <>, #1668 <>, #1669 <>, #1692 <>, #1696 <>, #1697 <>, #1707 <>, #1712 <>, #1716 <>, #1722 <>, #1724 <>, #1729 <>, #1738 <>, #1742 <>, #1743 <>, #1744 <>, #1747 <>, #1750 <>). Thanks @gsjaardema (Greg Sjaardema) <>, @gabime (Gabi Melman) <>, @johnor (Johan) <>, @Kurkin (Dmitry Kurkin) <>, @invexed (James Beach) <>, @peterbell10 <>, @daixtrose (Markus Werle) <>, @petrutlucian94 (Lucian Petrut) <>, @Neargye (Daniil Goncharov) <>, @ambitslix (Attila M. Szilagyi) <>, @gabime (Gabi Melman) <>, @erthink (Leonid Yuriev) <>, @tohammer (Tobias Hammer) <>, @0x8000-0000 (Florin Iucha) <>.

  • v6.2.1 Changes

    May 09, 2020
    • πŸ›  Fixed ostream support in sprintf (#1631 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed type detection when using implicit conversion to string_view and ostream operator<< inconsistently (#1662 <>_).

  • v6.2.0 Changes

    April 05, 2020
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved error reporting when trying to format an object of a non-formattable type:

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::format("{}", S());

    now gives::

    include/fmt/core.h:1015:5: error: static_assert failed due to requirement
    'formattable' "Cannot format argument. To make type T formattable provide a
    formatter<T> specialization:"
    note: in instantiation of function template specialization
    'fmt::v6::format<char [3], S, char>' requested here
      fmt::format("{}", S());

    if S is not formattable.

    • ⬇️ Reduced the library size by ~10%.

    • πŸ–¨ Always print decimal point if # is specified (#1476 <>, #1498 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::print("{:#.0f}", 42.0);

    now prints 42.

    • Implemented the 'L' specifier for locale-specific numeric formatting to improve compatibility with std::format. The 'n' specifier is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

    • 🏁 Moved OS-specific APIs such as windows_error from fmt/format.h to fmt/os.h. You can define FMT_DEPRECATED_INCLUDE_OS to automatically include fmt/os.h from fmt/format.h for compatibility but this will be disabled in the next major release.

    • βž• Added precision overflow detection in floating-point formatting.

    • Implemented detection of invalid use of fmt::arg.

    • πŸ‘‰ Used type_identity to block unnecessary template argument deduction. Thanks Tim Song.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved UTF-8 handling (#1109 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

                "β”‚{1: ^{2}}β”‚\n"
                "β””{0:─^{2}}β”˜\n", "", "ΠŸΡ€ΠΈΠ²Π΅Ρ‚, ΠΌΠΈΡ€!", 20);

    now prints::

     β”‚    ΠŸΡ€ΠΈΠ²Π΅Ρ‚, ΠΌΠΈΡ€!    β”‚

    on systems that support Unicode.

    • βž• Added experimental dynamic argument storage (#1170 <>, #1584 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
     fmt::vprint("The {} is {}.\n", store);


     The answer is 42.

    Thanks @vsolontsov-ll (Vladimir Solontsov) <>_.

    • Made fmt::join accept initializer_list (#1591 <>). Thanks @Rapotkinnik (Nikolay Rapotkin) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of empty tuples (#1588 <>_).

    • Fixed handling of output iterators in format_to_n (#1506 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed formatting of std::chrono::duration types to wide output (#1533 <>). Thanks @zeffy (pilao) <>.

    • βž• Added const begin and end overload to buffers (#1553 <>). Thanks @dominicpoeschko <>.

    • πŸ‘‰ Added the ability to disable floating-point formatting via FMT_USE_FLOAT, FMT_USE_DOUBLE and FMT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE macros for extremely memory-constrained embedded system (#1590 <>). Thanks @albaguirre (Alberto Aguirre) <>.

    • Made FMT_STRING work with constexpr string_view (#1589 <>). Thanks @scramsby (Scott Ramsby) <>.

    • πŸ“œ Implemented a minor optimization in the format string parser (#1560 <>). Thanks @IkarusDeveloper <>.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved attribute detection (#1469 <>, #1475 <>, #1576 <>). Thanks @federico-busato (Federico) <>, @chronoxor (Ivan Shynkarenka) <>, @refnum <>.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved documentation (#1481 <>, #1523 <>). Thanks @JackBoosY (JackΒ·BoosΒ·Yu) <>, @imba-tjd (谭九鼎) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed symbol visibility on Linux when compiling with -fvisibility=hidden (#1535 <>). Thanks @milianw (Milian Wolff) <>.

    • πŸ— Implemented various build configuration fixes and improvements (#1264 <>, #1460 <>, #1534 <>, #1536 <>, #1545 <>, #1546 <>, #1566 <>, #1582 <>, #1597 <>, #1598 <>). Thanks @ambitslix (Attila M. Szilagyi) <>, @jwillikers (Jordan Williams) <>, @stac47 (Laurent Stacul) <>_.

    • πŸ›  Fixed various warnings and compilation issues (#1433 <>, #1461 <>, #1470 <>, #1480 <>, #1485 <>, #1492 <>, #1493 <>, #1504 <>, #1505 <>, #1512 <>, #1515 <>, #1516 <>, #1518 <>, #1519 <>, #1520 <>, #1521 <>, #1522 <>, #1524 <>, #1530 <>, #1531 <>, #1532 <>, #1539 <>, #1547 <>, #1548 <>, #1554 <>, #1567 <>, #1568 <>, #1569 <>, #1571 <>, #1573 <>, #1575 <>, #1581 <>, #1583 <>, #1586 <>, #1587 <>, #1594 <>, #1596 <>, #1604 <>, #1606 <>, #1607 <>, #1609 <>). Thanks @marti4d (Chris Martin) <>, @iPherian <>, @parkertomatoes <>, @gsjaardema (Greg Sjaardema) <>, @chronoxor (Ivan Shynkarenka) <>, @DanielaE (Daniela Engert) <>, @torsten48 <>, @tohammer (Tobias Hammer) <>, @lefticus (Jason Turner) <>, @ryusakki (Haise) <>, @adnsv (Alex Denisov) <>, @fghzxm <>, @refnum <>, @pramodk (Pramod Kumbhar) <>, @Spirrwell <>, @scramsby (Scott Ramsby) <>_.

  • v6.1.2 Changes

    December 11, 2019
    • πŸ›  Fixed ABI compatibility with (#1471 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling types convertible to std::string_view (#1451 <>). Thanks @denizevrenci (Deniz Evrenci) <>.

    • Made CUDA test an opt-in enabled via the FMT_CUDA_TEST CMake option.

    • πŸ›  Fixed sign conversion warnings (#1440 <>). Thanks @0x8000-0000 (Florin Iucha) <>.

  • v6.1.1 Changes

    December 04, 2019
    • πŸ›  Fixed shared library build on Windows (#1443 <>, #1445 <>, #1446 <>, #1450 <>). Thanks @egorpugin (Egor Pugin) <>, @bbolli (Beat Bolli) <>.

    • βž• Added a missing decimal point in exponent notation with trailing zeros.

    • Removed deprecated format_arg_store::TYPES.

  • v6.1.0 Changes

    December 01, 2019
    • βœ… {fmt} now formats IEEE 754 float and double using the shortest decimal representation with correct rounding by default:

    .. code:: c++

     #include <cmath>
     #include <fmt/core.h>
     int main() {
       fmt::print("{}", M_PI);

    prints 3.141592653589793.

    • 0️⃣ Made the fast binary to decimal floating-point formatter the default, simplified it and improved performance. {fmt} is now 15 times faster than libc++'s std::ostringstream, 11 times faster than printf and 10% faster than double-conversion on dtoa-benchmark <>_:

    ================== ========= ======= Function Time (ns) Speedup ================== ========= ======= ostringstream 1,346.30 1.00x ostrstream 1,195.74 1.13x sprintf 995.08 1.35x doubleconv 99.10 13.59x fmt 88.34 15.24x ================== ========= =======

    .. image:: 69767160-cdaca400-112f-11ea-9fc5-347c9f83caad.png

    • {fmt} no longer converts float arguments to double. In particular this improves the default (shortest) representation of floats and makes fmt::format consistent with std::format specs (#1336 <>, #1353 <>, #1360 <>, #1361 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::print("{}", 0.1f);

    prints 0.1 instead of 0.10000000149011612.

    Thanks @orivej (Orivej Desh) <>_.

    • πŸ–¨ Made floating-point formatting output consistent with printf/iostreams (#1376 <>, #1417 <>).

    • βž• Added support for 128-bit integers (#1287 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::print("{}", std::numeric_limits<__int128_t>::max());

    prints 170141183460469231731687303715884105727.

    Thanks @denizevrenci (Deniz Evrenci) <>_.

    • πŸ’… The overload of print that takes text_style is now atomic, i.e. the output from different threads doesn't interleave (#1351 <>). Thanks @tankiJong (Tanki Zhang) <>.

    • Made compile time in the header-only mode ~20% faster by reducing the number of template instantiations. wchar_t overload of vprint was moved from fmt/core.h to fmt/format.h.

    • βž• Added an overload of fmt::join that works with tuples (#1322 <>, #1330 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <tuple>
     #include <fmt/ranges.h>
     int main() {
       std::tuple<char, int, float> t{'a', 1, 2.0f};
       fmt::print("{}", t);

    prints ('a', 1, 2.0).

    Thanks @jeremyong (Jeremy Ong) <>_.

    • πŸ”„ Changed formatting of octal zero with prefix from "00" to "0":

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::print("{:#o}", 0);

    prints 0.

    • The locale is now passed to ostream insertion (<<) operators (#1406 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/locale.h>
     #include <fmt/ostream.h>
     struct S {
       double value;
     std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, S s) {
       return os << s.value;
     int main() {
       auto s = fmt::format(std::locale("fr_FR.UTF-8"), "{}", S{0.42});
       // s == "0,42"

    Thanks @dlaugt (Daniel LaΓΌgt) <>_.

    • Locale-specific number formatting now uses grouping (#1393 <>_ #1394 <>). Thanks @skrdaniel <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of types with deleted implicit rvalue conversion to const char** (#1421 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     struct mystring {
       operator const char*() const&;
       operator const char*() &;
       operator const char*() const&& = delete;
       operator const char*() && = delete;
     mystring str;
     fmt::print("{}", str); // now compiles
    • Enums are now mapped to correct underlying types instead of int (#1286 <>). Thanks @agmt (Egor Seredin) <>.

    • Enum classes are no longer implicitly converted to int (#1424 <>_).

    • Added basic_format_parse_context for consistency with C++20 std::format and deprecated basic_parse_context.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of UTF-8 in precision (#1389 <>, #1390 <>). Thanks @tajtiattila (Attila Tajti) <>_.

    • 🍎 {fmt} can now be installed on Linux, macOS and Windows with Conda <>__ using its conda-forge <>__ package <>__ (#1410 <>_)::

      conda install -c conda-forge fmt

    Thanks @tdegeus (Tom de Geus) <>_.

    • βž• Added a CUDA test (#1285 <>, #1317 <>). Thanks @luncliff (Park DongHa) <>_ and @risa2000 <>_.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved documentation (#1276 <>, #1291 <>, #1296 <>, #1315 <>, #1332 <>, #1337 <>, #1395 <>_ #1418 <>). Thanks @waywardmonkeys (Bruce Mitchener) <>, @pauldreik (Paul Dreik) <>, @jackoalan (Jack Andersen) <>.

    • Various code improvements (#1358 <>, #1407 <>). Thanks @orivej (Orivej Desh) <>, @dpacbach (David P. Sicilia) <>,

    • πŸ›  Fixed compile-time format string checks for user-defined types (#1292 <>_).

    • Worked around a false positive in unsigned-integer-overflow sanitizer (#1377 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed various warnings and compilation issues (#1273 <>, #1278 <>, #1280 <>, #1281 <>, #1288 <>, #1290 <>, #1301 <>, #1305 <>, #1306 <>, #1309 <>, #1312 <>, #1313 <>, #1316 <>, #1319 <>, #1320 <>, #1326 <>, #1328 <>, #1344 <>, #1345 <>, #1347 <>, #1349 <>, #1354 <>, #1362 <>, #1366 <>, #1364 <>, #1370 <>, #1371 <>, #1385 <>, #1388 <>, #1397 <>, #1414 <>, #1416 <>, #1422 <>_ #1427 <>, #1431 <>, #1433 <>). Thanks @hhb <>, @gsjaardema (Greg Sjaardema) <>, @gabime (Gabi Melman) <>, @neheb (Rosen Penev) <>, @vedranmiletic (Vedran MiletiΔ‡) <>, @dkavolis (Daumantas Kavolis) <>, @mwinterb <>, @orivej (Orivej Desh) <>, @denizevrenci (Deniz Evrenci) <> @leonklingele <>, @chronoxor (Ivan Shynkarenka) <>, @kent-tri <>, @0x8000-0000 (Florin Iucha) <>, @marti4d (Chris Martin) <>_.

  • v6.0.0 Changes

    August 26, 2019
    • Switched to the MIT license <>_ with an optional exception that allows distributing binary code without attribution.

    • 0️⃣ Floating-point formatting is now locale-independent by default:

    .. code:: c++

     #include <locale>
     #include <fmt/core.h>
     int main() {
       fmt::print("value = {}", 4.2);

    prints "value = 4.2" regardless of the locale.

    For locale-specific formatting use the n specifier:

    .. code:: c++

     fmt::print("value = {:n}", 4.2);

    prints "value = 4,2".

    • βž• Added an experimental Grisu floating-point formatting algorithm implementation (disabled by default). To enable it compile with the FMT_USE_GRISU macro defined to 1:

    .. code:: c++

     #define FMT_USE_GRISU 1
     #include <fmt/format.h>
     auto s = fmt::format("{}", 4.2); // formats 4.2 using Grisu

    With Grisu enabled, {fmt} is 13x faster than std::ostringstream (libc++) and 10x faster than sprintf on dtoa-benchmark <>_ (full results <>_):

    .. image:: 54883977-9fe8c000-4e28-11e9-8bde-272d122e7c52.jpg

    • πŸ“œ Separated formatting and parsing contexts for consistency with C++20 std::format <>_, removing the undocumented basic_format_context::parse_context() function.

    • βž• Added oss-fuzz <>_ support (#1199 <>). Thanks @pauldreik (Paul Dreik) <>.

    • formatter specializations now always take precedence over operator<< (#952 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <iostream>
     #include <fmt/ostream.h>
     struct S {};
     std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, S) {
       return os << 1;
     template <>
     struct fmt::formatter<S> : fmt::formatter<int> {
       auto format(S, format_context& ctx) {
         return formatter<int>::format(2, ctx);
     int main() {
       std::cout << S() << "\n"; // prints 1 using operator<<
       fmt::print("{}\n", S());  // prints 2 using formatter
    • Introduced the experimental fmt::compile function that does format string compilation (#618 <>, #1169 <>, #1171 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/compile.h>
     auto f = fmt::compile<int>("{}");
     std::string s = fmt::format(f, 42); // can be called multiple times to
                                         // format different values
     // s == "42"

    It moves the cost of parsing a format string outside of the format function which can be beneficial when identically formatting many objects of the same types. Thanks @stryku (Mateusz Janek) <>_.

    • βž• Added experimental % format specifier that formats floating-point values as percentages (#1060 <>, #1069 <>, #1071 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     auto s = fmt::format("{:.1%}", 0.42); // s == "42.0%"

    Thanks @gawain-bolton (Gawain Bolton) <>_.

    • Implemented precision for floating-point durations (#1004 <>, #1012 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     auto s = fmt::format("{:.1}", std::chrono::duration<double>(1.234));
     // s == 1.2s

    Thanks @DanielaE (Daniela Engert) <>_.

    • Implemented chrono format specifiers %Q and %q that give the value and the unit respectively (#1019 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     auto value = fmt::format("{:%Q}", 42s); // value == "42"
     auto unit  = fmt::format("{:%q}", 42s); // unit == "s"

    Thanks @DanielaE (Daniela Engert) <>_.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of dynamic width in chrono formatter:

    .. code:: c++

     auto s = fmt::format("{0:{1}%H:%M:%S}", std::chrono::seconds(12345), 12);
     //                        ^ width argument index                     ^ width
     // s == "03:25:45    "

    Thanks Howard Hinnant.

    • βœ‚ Removed deprecated fmt/time.h. Use fmt/chrono.h instead.

    • βž• Added fmt::format and fmt::vformat overloads that take text_style (#993 <>, #994 <>):

    .. code:: c++

     #include <fmt/color.h>
     std::string message = fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red),
                                       "The answer is {}.", 42);

    Thanks @Naios (Denis Blank) <>_.

    • βœ‚ Removed the deprecated color API (print_colored). Use the new API, namely print overloads that take text_style instead.

    • Made std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr formattable as pointers via fmt::ptr (#1121 <>_):

    .. code:: c++

     std::unique_ptr<int> p = ...;
     fmt::print("{}", fmt::ptr(p)); // prints p as a pointer

    Thanks @sighingnow (Tao He) <>_.

    • πŸ–¨ Made print and vprint report I/O errors (#1098 <>, #1099 <>). Thanks @BillyDonahue (Billy Donahue) <>_.

    • 🚚 Marked deprecated APIs with the [[deprecated]] attribute and removed internal uses of deprecated APIs (#1022 <>). Thanks @eliaskosunen (Elias Kosunen) <>.

    • β†ͺ Modernized the codebase using more C++11 features and removing workarounds. Most importantly, buffer_context is now an alias template, so use buffer_context<T> instead of buffer_context<T>::type. These features require GCC 4.8 or later.

    • formatter specializations now always take precedence over implicit conversions to int and the undocumented convert_to_int trait is now deprecated.

    • 🚚 Moved the undocumented basic_writer, writer, and wwriter types to the internal namespace.

    • Removed deprecated basic_format_context::begin(). Use out() instead.

    • Disallowed passing the result of join as an lvalue to prevent misuse.

    • πŸ”¨ Refactored the undocumented structs that represent parsed format specifiers to simplify the API and allow multibyte fill.

    • 🚚 Moved SFINAE to template parameters to reduce symbol sizes.

    • Switched to fputws for writing wide strings so that it's no longer required to call _setmode on Windows (#1229 <>, #1243 <>). Thanks @jackoalan (Jack Andersen) <>_.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved literal-based API (#1254 <>). Thanks @sylveon (Charles Milette) <>.

    • βž• Added support for exotic platforms without uintptr_t such as IBM i (AS/400) which has 128-bit pointers and only 64-bit integers (#1059 <>_).

    • βž• Added Sublime Text syntax highlighting config <>_ (#1037 <>). Thanks @Kronuz (GermΓ‘n MΓ©ndez Bravo) <>.

    • Added the FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING macro to enforce the use of compile-time format strings (#1231 <>). Thanks @jackoalan (Jack Andersen) <>.

    • πŸ— Stopped setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if {fmt} is a subproject (#1081 <>_).

    • πŸ— Various build improvements (#1039 <>, #1078 <>, #1091 <>, #1103 <>, #1177 <>). Thanks @luncliff (Park DongHa) <>, @jasonszang (Jason Shuo Zang) <>, @olafhering (Olaf Hering) <>, @Lecetem <>, @pauldreik (Paul Dreik) <>.

    • πŸ‘Œ Improved documentation (#1049 <>, #1051 <>, #1083 <>, #1113 <>, #1114 <>, #1146 <>, #1180 <>, #1250 <>, #1252 <>, #1265 <>). Thanks @mikelui (Michael Lui) <>, @foonathan (Jonathan MΓΌller) <>, @BillyDonahue (Billy Donahue) <>, @jwakely (Jonathan Wakely) <>, @kaisbe (Kais Ben Salah) <>, @sdebionne (Samuel Debionne) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed ambiguous formatter specialization in fmt/ranges.h (#1123 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed formatting of a non-empty std::filesystem::path which is an infinitely deep range of its components (#1268 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of general output iterators when formatting characters (#1056 <>, #1058 <>). Thanks @abolz (Alexander Bolz) <>_.

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of output iterators in formatter specialization for ranges (#1064 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed handling of exotic character types (#1188 <>_).

    • Made chrono formatting work with exceptions disabled (#1062 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed DLL visibility issues (#1134 <>, #1147 <>). Thanks @denchat <>_.

    • Disabled the use of UDL template extension on GCC 9 (#1148 <>_).

    • βœ‚ Removed misplaced format compile-time checks from printf (#1173 <>_).

    • πŸ›  Fixed issues in the experimental floating-point formatter (#1072 <>, #1129 <>, #1153 <>, #1155 <>, #1210 <>, #1222 <>). Thanks @alabuzhev (Alex Alabuzhev) <>_.

    • πŸ›  Fixed bugs discovered by fuzzing or during fuzzing integration (#1124 <>, #1127 <>, #1132 <>, #1135 <>, #1136 <>, #1141 <>, #1142 <>, #1178 <>, #1179 <>, #1194 <>). Thanks @pauldreik (Paul Dreik) <>_.

    • πŸ›  Fixed building tests on FreeBSD and Hurd (#1043 <>). Thanks @jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>.

    • πŸ›  Fixed various warnings and compilation issues (#998 <>, #1006 <>, #1008 <>, #1011 <>, #1025 <>, #1027 <>, #1028 <>, #1029 <>, #1030 <>, #1031 <>, #1054 <>, #1063 <>, #1068 <>, #1074 <>, #1075 <>, #1079 <>, #1086 <>, #1088 <>, #1089 <>, #1094 <>, #1101 <>, #1102 <>, #1105 <>, #1107 <>, #1115 <>, #1117 <>, #1118 <>, #1120 <>, #1123 <>, #1139 <>, #1140 <>, #1143 <>, #1144 <>, #1150 <>, #1151 <>, #1152 <>, #1154 <>, #1156 <>, #1159 <>, #1175 <>, #1181 <>, #1186 <>, #1187 <>, #1191 <>, #1197 <>, #1200 <>, #1203 <>, #1205 <>, #1206 <>, #1213 <>, #1214 <>, #1217 <>, #1228 <>, #1230 <>, #1232 <>, #1235 <>, #1236 <>, #1240 <>). Thanks @DanielaE (Daniela Engert) <>, @mwinterb <>, @eliaskosunen (Elias Kosunen) <>, @morinmorin <>, @ricco19 (Brian Ricciardelli) <>, @waywardmonkeys (Bruce Mitchener) <>, @chronoxor (Ivan Shynkarenka) <>, @remyabel <>, @pauldreik (Paul Dreik) <>, @gsjaardema (Greg Sjaardema) <>, @rcane (Ronny KrΓΌger) <>, @mocabe <>, @denchat <>, @cjdb (Christopher Di Bella) <>, @HazardyKnusperkeks (BjΓΆrn SchΓ€pers) <>, @vedranmiletic (Vedran MiletiΔ‡) <>, @jackoalan (Jack Andersen) <>, @DaanDeMeyer (Daan De Meyer) <>, @starkmapper (Mark Stapper) <>_.